The number of visible ads at the same time is limited to one when the ad refresh is enabled.
If ads in the group with enabled ad refresh have the “Display only once” option enabled, they will be loaded only once in the refreshing rotation. Suppose this function is activated for all ads of this group, their rotation will end after all ads of the group have been shown once.
Counting impressions for rotating ads is taking some performance since every call to an ad is loading parts of WordPress. A server admin should monitor the impact of multiple ad rotations per page set up like above on your server.
Since this type of integration violates Google AdSense guidelines, you should not use this feature on ads from this ad network.
The number of visible ads at the same time is limited to one when the ad refresh is enabled.
If ads in the group with enabled ad refresh have the “Display only once” option enabled, they will be loaded only once in the refreshing rotation. Suppose this function is activated for all ads of this group, their rotation will end after all ads of the group have been shown once.
Counting impressions for rotating ads is taking some performance since every call to an ad is loading parts of WordPress. A server admin should monitor the impact of multiple ad rotations per page set up like above on your server.
Since this type of integration violates Google AdSense guidelines, you should not use this feature on ads from this ad network.